About Us

Who we are

We are a friendly, Baptist Church situated in the village of Fyfield, just outside Abingdon.  Our mission is to know and love the Lord, our saviour, Jesus Christ.  We desire to follow Him through bible teaching, worship, fellowship with one another and serving those around us.  We warmly welcome visitors to join us for all our services that take the form of family worship, with the younger people moving upstairs for Sunday School at the beginning of the sermon. The morning service is followed by a time of fellowship and chat over coffee and biscuits.

Every second Sunday of the month, our morning service is followed by communion, to which we warmly welcome any one who believes and trusts in the Lord Jesus to partake of the bread and wine.


Their is ample, free parking outside the Church and a garden round the back. We also provide basic toilet facilities with a baby changing area.

Sunday School

Sunday School take place in the upper room at the back of the church. The children have a fun time exploring the Bible using the GoTeach Bible resources. All ages are catered for and can build upon their relationship with God through crafts and activities.